Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Andrew Thomson
Current InstitutionUniversity of East Anglia
Current DepartmentChemistry
Institution website
Previous Institutions

Current Awards

No current BBSRC awards

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
99/B1/B/05145 Transcriptional regulation by a redox-sensing iron-sulphur cluster in the bacterial formate nitrate regulator (FNR) Principal Supervisor 35,156 Studentships
B01727 Parallel mode EPR studies of metalloproteins Principal Investigator 147,302 Research Grant
B02073 Mechanistic and magnetic studies of cytochrome bo, Escherichia coli Co-investigator 117,766 Research Grant
B03032-1 The centre for metalloprotein spectroscopy and biology (CMSB) at UEA Principal Investigator 1,174,523 Research Grant
B08413 Nitrous oxide reductase: comparative and functional studies of novel copper-thiolate centres Principal Investigator 162,995 Research Grant
B11958 Metalloprotein spectroscopy and structural biology of microbial and plant proteins Principal Investigator 912,407 Research Grant
B17596 Mapping of membrane proteins by multi-frequency time domain EPR Principal Investigator 181,016 Research Grant
BB/C500360/1 Signal perception by the global transcription factor FNR - a joint Sheffield-UEA study Principal Investigator 251,717 Research Grant
BB/D00960X/1 The Wbl proteins - a novel family of [4Fe-4S] cluster-containing transcription factors Principal Investigator 204,701 Research Grant
BB/D526202/1 BBSRC Doctoral Training Grant - 2005 Principal Investigator 216,888 Training Grants
BB/E013252/1 Ambient Temperature MCD of Metalloproteins Co-investigator 105,976 Research Grant
BB/G019347/1 The mechanism of oxygen sensing by the global transcriptional regulator FNR Co-investigator 378,626 Research Grant
BB/J003247/1 Biological roles and mechanisms of nitric oxide reactions with iron-sulfur cluster transcriptional regulators Co-investigator 352,620 Research Grant
BB/L007673/1 A new pathway for iron-sulfur cluster repair Co-investigator 360,602 Research Grant
BBS/B/03637 Relaxation of electron spins by anisotropic paramagnetic metal centres; a novel probe of protein structure and dynamics Principal Investigator 227,361 Research Grant
C08666 An integrated study of the periplasmic nitrate reductase system Co-investigator 290,563 Research Grant
C10160 Structure and function of nitric oxide reductase: an ancient oxidase Principal Investigator 213,826 Research Grant
PRS12148 Monitoring environmental oxygen: FNR a sensor of oxygen and oxidative stress Co-investigator 191,538 Research Grant
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