Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Mark Buttner
Current InstitutionJohn Innes Centre
Current DepartmentMolecular Microbiology
Institution website
Previous InstitutionsUniversity of East Anglia

Current Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BBS/E/J/000PR9791 Biological Context Principal Investigator 6,824,489 Institute Project

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
99/A1/G/05566 Genetic control of differentiation in the sporulating bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor Principal Supervisor 35,156 Studentships
BB/D00926X/1 The Wbl proteins - a novel family of [4Fe-4S] cluster-containing transcription factors Principal Investigator 313,069 Research Grant
BB/E013031/1 Transmission Electron Microscope Co-investigator 255,245 Research Grant
BB/H006125/1 Characterisation of BldC a novel transcription factor required for development and antibiotic production in Streptomyces Principal Investigator 438,319 Research Grant
BB/I002197/1 Integration and coordination within complex antibiotic biosynthetic pathways Principal Investigator 462,572 Research Grant
BB/I00873X/1 Molecular mechanism of environmental stress sensing by bacterial Zinc-containing Anti-Sigma factors Principal Investigator 453,920 Research Grant
BB/L019825/1 A novel mechanism of translational regulation in bacteria: de-repression of non-canonical start codons in response to oxidative stress Principal Investigator 470,380 Research Grant
BB/N006852/1 ERASynBio2: An orthogonal, organism-independent expression platform based on extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factors Principal Investigator 406,637 Research Grant
BB/P001041/1 The role of the dynamin membrane-remodelling proteins in developmentally controlled cell division in Streptomyces Principal Investigator 473,961 Research Grant
BBS/E/J/00000015 Regulation of differentiation and antibiotic production in Streptomyces Principal Investigator 2,860,224 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/00004022 Genetic characterisation of new sporulation genes in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) Principal Investigator 1,174 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/00004130 Analysis of cell specific gene expression Principal Investigator 10,054 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/00004132 Sensing and responding to oxidative stress through RsrA-sigmaR in Streptomyces Principal Investigator 44,069 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/00004205 Sensing and responding to cell envelope stress in streptomyces Principal Investigator 33,531 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/00004401 sig1, a central regulator of environmental stress responses in Streptomyces coelicolor Principal Investigator 75,022 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/0000A106 Streptomyces coelicolor as a model for the end-user driven exploitation of a genome sequence Principal Investigator 192,984 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/0000A153 The aminocoumarin biosynthetic gene clusters of streptomyces: structural and functional analysis Co-investigator 176,548 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/0000A165 Characterisation of the novel cell wall remodelling required for vancomycin resistance in Streptomyces Principal Investigator 71,147 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/0000A193 Characterization of differentiation, anaerobiosis and stress responses in standing liquid cultures of Streptomyces by a functional genomics approach Principal Investigator 22,766 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/000CA269 The Wbl proteins - a novel family of [4Fe-4S] cluster-containing transcription factors Principal Investigator 152,435 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/000CA411 Characterisation of BldC, a novel transcription factor required for development and antibiotic production in Streptomyces Principal Investigator 128,552 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/000CA438 Integration and coordination within complex antibiotic biosynthetic pathways Principal Investigator 177,056 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/000CA440 Molecular mechanism of environmental stress sensing by bacterial Zinc-containing Anti-Sigma factors Principal Investigator 190,831 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/000CA615 An orthogonal, organism-independent expression platform based on extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factors Principal Investigator 53,018 Institute Project
EGH16080 Streptomyces coelicolor as a model for the end-user driven exploitation of a genome sequence Principal Investigator 873,732 Research Grant
G04257 The physiological and biochemical function of sigma-28 in Streptomyces coelicolor A3 (2) Principal Investigator 125,987 Research Grant
P05167 The role of an alternative sigma factor of Xanthomonas campestris in lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis and pathogenicity Co-investigator 121,630 Research Grant
P07658 Genetic characterisation of new sporulation genes in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) Principal Investigator 161,668 Research Grant
P11071 Sensing and responding to oxidative stress through RsrA-sigma R in streptomyces Principal Investigator 179,020 Research Grant
P14575 Sensing and responding to cell envelope stress in Streptomcyes Principal Investigator 151,944 Research Grant
P20040 Characterisation of the novel cell wall remodelling required for vancomycin resistance in Streptomyces Principal Investigator 194,845 Research Grant
PRS12164 A central regulator of environmental stress responses in Streptomyces coelicolor Principal Investigator 192,274 Research Grant
REI20489 High throughput of SEM samples in cell and developmental biology Streptomyces research and plant pathology Co-investigator 200,000 Research Grant
SB11275 Cambridge and East Anglia Centre: The Structural Biology of cell signalling in animals plants and microbes Co-investigator 219,488 Research Grant
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