Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Anthony Maxwell
Current InstitutionJohn Innes Centre
Current DepartmentBiological Chemistry
Institution website
Previous InstitutionsUniversity of Leicester

Current Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/V006983/1 Exploring novel binding pockets in DNA gyrase and DNA topoisomerase IV to address antibiotic resistance Principal Investigator 504,268 Research Grant
BBS/E/J/000CA436 More Medicines for Tuberculosis Principal Investigator 203,422 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/000CA547 European Gram Negative Antibacterial Engine Principal Investigator 137,264 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/000PR9791 Biological Context Co-investigator 6,824,489 Institute Project

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
9810615 The interaction of DNA gyrase with FdhE a protein involved in the assembly of the formate dehydrogenase complex Principal Investigator 138,336 Research Grant
B05792 The mechanism of action of DNA gyrase and other topoisomerases Principal Investigator 142,581 Research Grant
B19400 The aminocoumarin biosynthetic gene clusters of Streptomyces: structural and functional analysis Co-investigator 214,676 Research Grant
BB/C517376/1 Energy coupling in type II topoisomerases: why do they hydrolyse ATP? Principal Investigator 218,193 Research Grant
BB/E013074/1 Measuring biomolecular interactions using the Biacore T100 Principal Investigator 201,197 Research Grant
BB/I002049/1 The molecular basis of the action of the antibiotic simocyclinone D8 on DNA gyrase Principal Investigator 457,811 Research Grant
BB/I019294/1 Understanding supercoiling-dependent DNA recognition: a combined experimental and computational approach Principal Investigator 437,374 Research Grant
BB/J011843/1 Exploiting the insect gut to discover novel plant-derived antibiotics and explore naturally-occurring antibiotic resistance Principal Investigator 92,173 Training Grants
BB/J016853/1 The molecular basis of action of the toxin Microcin B17 on DNA gyrase Principal Investigator 480,971 Research Grant
BB/J020222/1 Building Links between JIC and CAS: Towards a CAS-JIC Joint Centre Co-investigator 30,244 Research Grant
BB/P021506/1 Identifying the biosynthetic origins of nybomycin, a reverse antibiotic Co-investigator 516,560 Research Grant
BB/R001243/1 Tackling tricky twists - how does DNA gyrase function inside living cells? Principal Investigator 79,060 Research Grant
BBS/E/J/00000201 Structure and function of DNA topoisomerases and associated proteins: their role in biological processes, and their exploitation in chemotherapeutics Principal Investigator 2,227,611 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/00004019 The interaction of DNA gyrase with FdhE, a protein involved in the assembly of the formate dehydrogenase complex Principal Investigator 44,597 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/00004020 The mechanism of DNA cleavage by DNA gyrase Principal Investigator 15,379 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/0000A004 Characterisation of the mode of action of the bacterial toxin microcin B17, a novel inhibitor of DNA gyrase Principal Investigator 41,764 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/0000A079 DNA gyrase from Arabidopsis thaliana Principal Investigator 43,607 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/0000A135 DNA topoisomerase VI, an archaeal enzyme with a role in cell-size control, cell cycle and endoreduplication in Arabidopsis Principal Investigator 80,541 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/0000A153 The aminocoumarin biosynthetic gene clusters of streptomyces: structural and functional analysis Co-investigator 176,548 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/0000A181 Development of New Gyrase Inhibitors by Combinatorial Biosynthesis (CombiGyrase) Principal Investigator 181,567 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/0000A224 Energy coupling in type II topoisomerases: why do they hydrolyse ATP? Principal Investigator 172,630 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/0000X019 X-ray crystallography of DNA gyrase Principal Investigator 10,351 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/000CA349 The molecular basis of post-initiation regulation of RNA transcription Principal Investigator 119,643 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/000CA437 The molecular basis of the action of the antibiotic simocyclinone D8 on DNA gyrase Principal Investigator 131,206 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/000CA455 Understanding supercoiling-dependent DNA recognition: a combined experimental and computational approach Principal Investigator 149,315 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/000CA498 The molecular basis of action of the toxin Microcin B17 on DNA gyrase Principal Investigator 165,541 Institute Project
BBS/E/J/000CA676 Identifying the Biosynthetic Origins of Nybomycin, a Reverse Antibiotic Co-investigator 8,469 Institute Project
BBS/S/D/2005/13248 Structural studies of toposiomerase complexes (Funded via Training Grant BB/B511927/1) Principal Supervisor Studentships
C15130 Characterisation of the mode of action of the bacterial toxin Microcin B17 a novel inhibitor of DNA gyrase Principal Investigator 169,200 Research Grant
C17465 DNA gyrase from Arabidopsis thaliana Principal Investigator 212,396 Research Grant
G18653 DNA topoisomerase VI anarchael enzyme with a role in cell-size controlcell cycle and endoreduplication in Arabidopsis Principal Investigator 222,384 Research Grant
JEI09276 Conformational analysis of biomolecules by CD spectroscopy: structural and dynamic studies Co-investigator 42,504 Research Grant
SBD07572 Drug discovery and DNA gyrase Principal Investigator 139,673 Research Grant
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