Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Julea Butt
Current InstitutionUniversity of East Anglia
Current DepartmentChemistry
Institution website
Previous Institutions

Current Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/W003449/1 Creating and comprehending the circuitry of life: precise biomolecular design of multi-centre redox enzymes for a synthetic metabolism Co-investigator 3,919,670 Research Grant
BB/X011453/1 Tuning extracellular cytochromes for enhanced metal recovery and nanoparticle formation Co-investigator 290,637 Research Grant

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
B15211 Structure-function studies of a novel haemoprotein involved in bacterial oxidation of thiosulphate and sulphide Co-investigator 230,180 Research Grant
B17233 An integrated approach to define the mechanism of respiratory nitrate reduction: spectroscopic and voltammetric studies Principal Investigator 181,928 Research Grant
B18695 The cytochrome c nitrite reductase: an integrated study of nitrite and nitric oxide reduction by a deca-heme enzyme complex Co-investigator 354,500 Research Grant
BB/C007719/1 The molecular enzymology of nitric oxide reductase: cellular saviour and global bandit! Co-investigator 221,432 Research Grant
BB/C007808/1 MOTTLE - MCD Spectroscopy with in situ electrochemical control. defining the status of all hemes across a continuous potential window Principal Investigator 146,297 Research Grant
BB/D010942/1 The contribution of ammonification to N2O emissions from soils Co-investigator 175,132 Research Grant
BB/D012384/1 The contribution of ammonification to N2O emissions from soils Co-investigator 221,869 Research Grant
BB/E013252/1 Ambient Temperature MCD of Metalloproteins Co-investigator 105,976 Research Grant
BB/G009228/1 new approaches for fresh perspectives on quinol/quinone oxidoreductases Principal Investigator 335,456 Research Grant
BB/G019347/1 The mechanism of oxygen sensing by the global transcriptional regulator FNR Co-investigator 378,626 Research Grant
BB/G024758/1 Correlating Current and Colour in Metalloenzymes: Cell development for time and concentration resolved Magnetic-CD Spectroscopy. Co-investigator 96,942 Research Grant
BB/K00929X/1 Molecular Basis for Controlled Transmembrane Electron Transfer Co-investigator 321,430 Research Grant
BB/K009885/1 Advancing Biotechnologies for Fuel Generation: Exploiting Transmembrane Cytochromes for Solar Energy Conversion Principal Investigator 377,444 Research Grant
BB/L022176/1 Advancing Microbial Electrochemistry: Biophysical Characterisation of the Electron-Transfer Interactome in S. oneidensis MR-1 Principal Investigator 332,783 Research Grant
BB/L023733/1 The molecular interface of microbe-mineral electron transfer Co-investigator 355,043 Research Grant
BB/P01819X/1 The assembly and folding pathway of porin cytochrome complexes in the bacterial outer membrane Co-investigator 387,361 Research Grant
BB/R013578/1 A high sensitivity elemental mass spectrometry facility to support metallo-biology research on the Norwich Research Park Co-investigator 349,442 Research Grant
BB/S002499/1 Biohybrids for Solar Chemicals and Fuels: Whole-cell Photocatalysis by Non-photosynthetic Organisms. Principal Investigator 515,915 Research Grant
BB/T017708/1 New high resolution mass spectrometry facilities for macromolecules and metabolites at the University of East Anglia Co-investigator 490,000 Research Grant
BBS/S/K/2005/12112 Resolving mechanisms that regulate redox enzyme activity Principal Supervisor 49,864 Studentships
E16574 Interrogating DNA duplex-ligand interactions: a dynamic approach exploiting the intrinsic conductivity of duplex DNA Principal Investigator 170,632 Research Grant
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