Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor John Trinick
Current InstitutionUniversity of Leeds
Current DepartmentSch of Molecular & Cellular Biology
Institution website
Previous InstitutionsUniversity of Bristol

Current Awards

No current BBSRC awards

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
B05419 Molecular properties of titin and nebulin Principal Investigator 386,352 Research Grant
B13501 Role of flexibility in heads of the myosin motor protein family Co-investigator 284,396 Research Grant
B14097 Three-dimensional structure of the vacuolar H+-ATPase Co-investigator 1,021,012 Research Grant
B17173 Elucidation of the three-dimensional structure of the exocyst complex Co-investigator 662,372 Research Grant
BB/C506699/1 Electron microscope studies of myosin VI Principal Investigator 378,467 Research Grant
BB/C511372/1 Cryo-electron tomography at Leeds University Principal Investigator 119,000 Research Grant
BB/D001870/1 The structure and conformational dynamics of a complex molecular machine: the type 1 DNA restriction enzyme EcoKI Principal Investigator 392,707 Research Grant
BB/D016142/1 Analysis of subunit organisation and conformational flexibility in the vacuolar ATPase molecular motor by electron microscopy Co-investigator 355,584 Research Grant
BB/E013163/1 A high-throughput protein expression facility for structural and cell biology Co-investigator 233,230 Research Grant
C09206 Structural changes in regulated myosin Principal Investigator 262,083 Research Grant
JE412942 (A) Direct visualisation of elasticity in single titin molecules Principal Investigator 16,064 Research Grant
REI18440 Molecular and cellular biology of membranes Co-investigator 185,488 Research Grant
REI20490 Enhanced computing infrastructure for structural biology and bioinformatics at the University of Leeds Co-investigator 197,958 Research Grant
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