Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Ken Killham
Current InstitutionUniversity of Aberdeen
Current DepartmentInst of Biological and Environmental Sci
Institution website
Previous Institutions

Current Awards

No current BBSRC awards

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
9810708 Toxicity testing using novel slow-release biosensor systems Principal Investigator 95,522 Research Grant
BB/C511521/1 Formation of a cross-departmental light microscopy facility for the Aberdeen School of Biological Sciences Co-investigator 66,229 Research Grant
BB/C512853/1 Manipulating the rhizosphere for function Principal Investigator 313,424 Research Grant
BB/D525099/1 Multicollector isotope ratio mass spectrometry: New frontiers in soil microbiology and biogeochemistry Co-investigator 50,731 Research Grant
BBS/S/A/2004/11034 Movement of Escherichia coli O157 through soil - matrix, bypassing or overland flow? Principal Supervisor 47,623 Studentships
BBS/S/K/2004/11155 Carbon turnover in regenerating commercial peatlands Principal Supervisor 47,645 Studentships
BBS/S/N/2004/11546 Impact on Environmental Stressors on the Diversity and Viability of Microbial Communities in Soils Principal Supervisor 9,694 Studentships
BBS/S/N/2004/11546A Impact of environmental stressors on the diversity and viability of microbial communities in soils Principal Supervisor 49,864 Studentships
BBS/S/P/2003/10278 Biosensor interrogation of the solid phase to investigate contaminant bioavailability in soils Principal Supervisor 28,734 Studentships
BRE13614 How do bacteria colonise roots? Co-investigator 142,112 Research Grant
BRE13626 Do N and P limit rhizosphere microbial growth? Co-investigator 255,844 Research Grant
BRE13662 The ectomycorrhizosphere as a bioreactor for persistent organic pollutant (POP) remediation Co-investigator 220,252 Research Grant
BRE13681 Root border cells in interactions between plants and soil organisms : evaluating the potential to manipulate rhizosphere biology Co-investigator 257,380 Research Grant
D12282 Persistence and movement of verotoxin producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 in soil Co-investigator 227,608 Research Grant
D18214 In situ detection of mutagenic compounds in soil using DNA adduct analysis Co-investigator 134,136 Research Grant
EBI06499 Assessment of in situ bioavailability of heavy metals and impacts on the bioremediation of persistent organic pollutants in soils Principal Investigator 545,541 Research Grant
REI18479 The chemistry of environmentally and biologically important metalloids and their species Co-investigator 89,148 Research Grant
SYS04659 Novel use of bioluminescent bacteria immobilised on surfaces for rapid toxicity testing of wastes for disposal to arable land Principal Investigator 107,578 Research Grant
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