Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Adrian Bird
Current InstitutionUniversity of Edinburgh
Current DepartmentSch of Biological Sciences
Institution website
Previous Institutions

Current Awards

No current BBSRC awards

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
95/B1/G/00216 The mechanism of transcriptional repression by methyl-CPG binding protein Principal Supervisor 30,553 Studentships
BB/D524940/1 Characterisation of Macromolecular and Ligand Interactions using SPR and ITC Co-investigator 199,970 Research Grant
BB/M018040/1 SynthSys-Mammalian: Edinburgh Mammalian Synthetic Biology Research Centre Co-investigator 11,379,882 Research Grant
G02381 CpG islands as markers for genome analysis of livestock Principal Investigator 137,355 Research Grant
G09314 Eukaryote gene number estimation by a genomic sequence sampling strategy Principal Investigator 172,417 Research Grant
G13035 An investigation of dosage compensation in chickens Co-investigator 153,724 Research Grant
GTH14114 Role of DNA methylation as a determinant of successful epigenetic reprogramming by nuclear transfer Co-investigator 170,788 Research Grant
GTH14115 Role of DNA methylation as a determinant of successful epigenetic reprogramming by nuclear transfer Co-investigator 186,448 Research Grant
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