Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Nigel Hooper
Current InstitutionThe University of Manchester
Current DepartmentSchool of Biological Sciences
Institution website
Previous InstitutionsUniversity of Leeds

Current Awards

No current BBSRC awards

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
00/A1/S/06192 Molecular characterisation of the prion-like protein Doppel Principal Supervisor 42,704 Studentships
01/A2/C/07208 Identification of protein substrates for novel and known proteinases Principal Supervisor 39,359 Studentships
01/B1/C/07209 The role of stomatin in the function of lipid rafts Principal Supervisor 41,693 Studentships
95/B1/C/00302 Molecular characterisation of the glycosyl- phosphatidylinositol anchor addition enzyme Principal Supervisor 30,553 Studentships
97/A1/C/03215 Biological roles of mammalian GPI anchors Principal Supervisor 32,558 Studentships
98/A2/C/04236 The role of the presenilin proteins in Alzheimer's disease and cell signalling Principal Supervisor 33,602 Studentships
BB/C511172/1 A fluorescence activated cell sorter facility for the biosciences Co-investigator 153,581 Research Grant
BB/D001781/1 Molecular mechanisms regulating intracellular targeting and trafficking of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and its novel homologue ACE2 Co-investigator 199,229 Research Grant
BB/D524875/1 a state of the art facility for the study of protein trafficking in vivo Co-investigator 107,644 Research Grant
BB/J014443/1 BB/J014443/1 Co-investigator 5,663,860 Training Grants
BB/S016848/1 Identification of the neuronal receptor for the cognitive-enhancing soluble klotho ligand Principal Investigator 530,718 Research Grant
BBS/S/D/2005/12998 Identification and characterisation of natural substrates for orphan proteases (Funded via Training Grant BB/A517718/1) Principal Supervisor Studentships
BBS/S/P/2003/10335 AFM study of the structure and function of lipid rafts Principal Supervisor 44,773 Studentships
BS410549 The role of the prion protein in copper metabolism Principal Investigator 177,116 Research Grant
C15608 Roles and mechanisms of action of GPI anchors and N-glycans in cellular targeting and trafficking Principal Investigator 192,876 Research Grant
REI18440 Molecular and cellular biology of membranes Co-investigator 185,488 Research Grant
REI20509 Integrated genome analysis facility Co-investigator 190,403 Research Grant
S12813 Processing and inactivation of nematode neuropeptides by aminopeptidases: a functional genomics approach Co-investigator 178,704 Research Grant
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