Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Malcolm Walkinshaw
Current InstitutionUniversity of Edinburgh
Current DepartmentSch of Biological Sciences
Institution website
Previous Institutions

Current Awards

No current BBSRC awards

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
01/B1/B/07158 The determination of hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding energies in protein-ligand interactions Principal Supervisor 39,359 Studentships
01/B1/X/07156 Database mining methods in the discovery of novel ligands for orphan proteins Principal Supervisor 39,359 Studentships
02/A2/B/08126 The structure-based design of anti cancer drugs: novel inhibitors of the initiation factor eIF4E Principal Supervisor 41,852 Studentships
B07650 The structural and mechanistic mapping of a unique fumarate reductase Co-investigator 178,365 Research Grant
B13402 The crystallographic and kinetic delineation of the catalytic mechanism in fumarate reductase Principal Investigator 174,088 Research Grant
B19725 Fumarate reductase: understanding the mechanism of proton and electron delivery Co-investigator 185,652 Research Grant
BB/C507337/1 Structure and function of a novel gammaherpesvirus determinant of pathogenesis Co-investigator 207,714 Research Grant
BB/C508834/1 Structure-function relationship of the novel ES cell transcriptional determinant Nanog Co-investigator 359,328 Research Grant
BB/D00604X/1 Chemical mapping of the PPIase interactome in C. elegans - development of a systems biology toolbox Principal Investigator 367,031 Research Grant
BB/D524940/1 Characterisation of Macromolecular and Ligand Interactions using SPR and ITC Principal Investigator 199,970 Research Grant
BB/F010974/1 Protein X-ray Crystallographic Infrastructure for the Edinburgh Centre for Translational and Chemical Biology Principal Investigator 165,211 Research Grant
BB/I012885/1 The matrix associated astacin enzymes: novel targets in the control of key GI nematodes of ruminants. Principal Investigator 69,775 Research Grant
BBS/S/A/2004/11059 Database mining using a 3D relational database Principal Supervisor 47,443 Studentships
BBS/S/D/2004/12568 DNA- ligand interactions using chip technology (Funded via Training Grant BB/B511978/1) Principal Supervisor Studentships
BBS/S/D/2005/12970 Ligand discovery using database mining (Funded via Training Grant BB/B511978/1) Principal Supervisor Studentships
BBS/S/H/2005/11975 Chemical genetics of the human glucocorticoid receptor Principal Supervisor 49,802 Studentships
BBS/S/H/2005/11989 Interrogating PCNA interactions using small molecule ligands Principal Supervisor 49,764 Studentships
BBS/S/H/2005/12009 Relational databases of molecular similarity as a biology discovery engine Principal Supervisor 49,831 Studentships
C11671 Nematode structural protein folding catalysts; structural characterisation and evaluation as targets for anti-helminthic development Principal Investigator 129,961 Research Grant
C12229 Nematode structural protein folding catalysts; structural characterisation and evaluation as targets for anti-helminthic development Co-investigator 131,202 Research Grant
C15007 Structure/function analyses of engineered forms of flavocytochrome b2 Co-investigator 185,384 Research Grant
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