Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Hari Hundal
Current InstitutionUniversity of Dundee
Current DepartmentSchool of Life Sciences
Institution website
Previous Institutions

Current Awards

No current BBSRC awards

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
01/A1/S/07118 Regulation of amino acid and glucose transport: the role of hormones and nutrients Principal Supervisor 39,359 Studentships
99/A2/C/05118 Regulation of membrane transport by hormonal and nutritional stimuli Principal Supervisor 35,171 Studentships
BB/I007261/1 Non-genomic mechanisms stabilizing the abundance of SNAT2 a nutrient transceptor protein in response to diverse catabolic signals Principal Investigator 322,393 Research Grant
BB/N002342/1 Defining the molecular roles of peripheral CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors in age-induced changes in energy and metabolic homeostasis. Principal Investigator 335,358 Research Grant
BB/S00033X/1 Delineating the roles of GPR55 in cellular metabolism and energy homeostasis Principal Investigator 411,233 Research Grant
BBS/S/C/2005/12962 Cellular mechanisms involved in amino acid sensing and signalling in mammalian cells (Funded via Training Grant BB/B511919/1) Principal Supervisor Studentships
BBS/S/N/2005/12337 Serine palmitoyl transferase (SPT) and its role in fatty acid-induced insulin resistance in muscle Principal Supervisor 49,764 Studentships
C10155 Regulation of System A amino acid transport by insulin cell stress and microtubular dysfunction Principal Investigator 177,307 Research Grant
C19142 Functional characterisation of ABC50 a novel component of the translational machinery of mammalian cells Principal Investigator 178,240 Research Grant
C19477 Molecular and cellular regulation of the system A amino acid transporter in skeletal muscle cells Principal Investigator 175,072 Research Grant
JRE10822 (A) Cell stretcher for studies of mechanosensitive signalling and cellular responses to mechanical strain Co-investigator 13,100 Research Grant
JRI08153 An instantimager for autoradiographic quantitation of protein, RNA and DNA in mammalian tissues and isotopic accumulation in cellular expression systems Principal Investigator 12,500 Research Grant
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