Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor David Rowlands
Current InstitutionUniversity of Leeds
Current DepartmentSch of Molecular & Cellular Biology
Institution website
Previous Institutions

Current Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/T015748/1 Understanding the negative sense intermediate in the replication of foot-and-mouth-disease virus Co-investigator 624,270 Research Grant

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
01/A1/C/07920 Hepatitis C virus replication in primary and cultured human hepatocytes Principal Supervisor 39,359 Studentships
B11731 The structure and function of the internal ribosome entry site on the hepatitis c virus genome Principal Investigator 147,604 Research Grant
BB/C511172/1 A fluorescence activated cell sorter facility for the biosciences Co-investigator 153,581 Research Grant
BB/C511372/1 Cryo-electron tomography at Leeds University Co-investigator 119,000 Research Grant
BB/E00931X/1 Equine rhinitis A virus as a model for foot-and-mouth-disease virus: mechanism of RNA release and membrane penetration Principal Investigator 318,068 Research Grant
BB/E014321/1 Dissection of the interactions involved in replication of foot and mouth disease virus using RNA aptamers Co-investigator 312,381 Research Grant
BB/J00667X/1 Single-molecule assays of the assembly/disassembly mechanisms of ssRNA viruses - Tools for screening novel anti-virals Co-investigator 384,019 Research Grant
BB/K003801/1 The Molecular Biology of FMDV Replication: Towards New Methods of FMDV Disease Control. Co-investigator 4,276,321 Research Grant
BB/P001459/1 Understanding the catalytic and non-catalytic roles of the essential 3D protein in the FMDV replication complex Co-investigator 436,424 Research Grant
BBS/S/C/2003/12776 Ion channel function of the 2B protein of foot-and-mouth disease virus (Funded via Training Grant BB/A517718/1) Principal Supervisor Studentships
BBS/S/D/2002/12881 Comparative structure/function relationships of hcv rna polymerases from different genotype (Funded via Training Grant BB/A517718/1) Principal Supervisor Studentships
C09593 Inhibition of cAMP-dependent protein kinase by the Hepatitis C virus NS3 protein: biochemical characterisation and consequences for hepatocyte physiology Co-investigator 177,244 Research Grant
JEI09412 Ultracentrifuge for the concentration and purification of hepatitis viruses within a disease containment facility Principal Investigator 14,000 Research Grant
SBD07644 Resolution of the structure of HBV particles and its use in the design of novel vaccines and antiviral compounds Co-investigator 58,078 Research Grant
SBD07645 Resolution of the structure of HBV particles and its use in the design of novel vaccines and antiviral compounds Principal Investigator 147,086 Research Grant
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