Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Venugopal Nair
Current InstitutionThe Pirbright Institute
Current DepartmentAvian Oncogenic Viruses
Institution website
Previous Institutions

Current Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/V017748/1 US-UK Collab: The consequences of transmissible vaccines on disease ecology and pathogen evolution: Marek's disease virus as a case study Principal Investigator 484,693 Research Grant
BB/X017575/1 Effects of co-infections on Marek's disease in poultry and development of novel recombinant Marek's disease virus vector vaccines Co-investigator 456,974 Research Grant
BBS/E/I/00001670 Vaccines as drivers of disease emergence:transmission ecology and virulence evolution in Marek's disease Principal Investigator 383,731 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00007030 Disease Pathogenesis Co-investigator 4,156,030 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00007032 Viral Persistence Co-investigator 1,501,483 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00007034 Molecular and Systems Virology Co-investigator 7,285,982 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00007035 Virus diversity and evolution Co-investigator 2,802,399 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00007036 Transmission and Epidemiology Co-investigator 3,514,954 Institute Project

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
02/A1/S/08453 Manipulation of Marek's disease virus genome for identification of virulence determinants Principal Supervisor 41,845 Studentships
9810735 Can full-length Marek's disease virus (MDV) genome be constructed as an infectious bacterial artificial chromosome? Principal Investigator 72,122 Research Grant
BB/C506448/1 Molecular events and mechanisms of Marek's disease pathogensis Principal Investigator 172,541 Research Grant
BB/C511256/1 Cell sorting for functional and post-genomic analysis of rare immune and infected cells Co-investigator 110,000 Research Grant
BB/C518265/1 Interaction of Marek's disease virus Meq protein and chicken CtBP in cell transformation and the pathogenesis of Marek's disease Principal Investigator 251,394 Research Grant
BB/D012996/1 Investigation into the role of MicroRNAs in pathogenesis of Marek's disease Principal Investigator 282,631 Research Grant
BB/E003230/1 Studies leading to sustainable strategies for the control of Marek's disease: Is vaccination responsible for virulence evolution in Marek's disease? Principal Investigator 449,727 Research Grant
BB/E003540/2 Studies leading to sustainable strategies for the control of Marek's disease: Is vaccination responsible for virulence evolution in Marek's disease? Principal Investigator 164,094 Research Grant
BB/E01111X/1 Combating highly pathogenic avian influenza: Novel vaccination strategies using recombinant live avian viral vaccine vectors Principal Investigator 654,608 Research Grant
BB/E012795/1 Investigation into the role of host-pathogen molecular interactions in animal diseases by microscopy and live cell imaging Principal Investigator 195,335 Research Grant
BB/E528328/1 BBSRC Industrial Partnership Grant Principal Investigator 70,820 Training Grants
BB/F013965/1 Differential co-expression in DNA microarray data and it's application to animal health Principal Investigator 372,844 Research Grant
BB/G001642/1 The role of the Marek's disease virus (MDV) Meq oncoprotein in the pathogenesis of Marek's disease and the development of MDV vaccine strains Principal Investigator 412,282 Research Grant
BB/G009163/1 Functional analysis of novel microRNAs encoded by avian herpesviruses Principal Investigator 404,952 Research Grant
BB/G530325/1 UK-India partnership on Marek's disease and RNA interference to control avian viral disease Principal Investigator 25,882 Research Grant
BB/G530476/1 UK-US Collaboration on Exploiting the Cancer Epigenome in Animals Principal Investigator 51,339 Research Grant
BB/H010696/1 Translational control by non-coding RNA in Marek's disease herpesvirus: implications in oncogenesis and exploitation in bioengineering Principal Investigator 443,349 Research Grant
BB/H531219/1 Combating highly pathogenic avian influenza: Novel vaccination strategies using recombinant live avian viral vaccine vectors. THIS GRANT IS A SUPPLEMENTATION TO GRANT REF BB/E01111X/1 Principal Investigator 213,005 Research Grant
BB/I014284/1 Defining the cistrome and quantitative transcriptome of virus-transformed cells using massively parallel sequencing Principal Investigator 442,579 Research Grant
BB/I017577/1 Marek's disease virus spread: In and out of chickens Principal Investigator 348,459 Research Grant
BB/J020257/1 China-Vietnam-United Kingdom Partnership in combating viral diseases of poultry Principal Investigator 24,293 Research Grant
BB/K002465/1 Developing Rapid Responses to Emerging Virus Infections of Poultry (DRREVIP) Co-investigator 5,069,406 Research Grant
BB/K011057/1 Vaccines as drivers of disease emergence: transmission ecology and virulence evolution in Marek's disease Principal Investigator 992,013 Research Grant
BB/K021206/1 International workshop on "Recent Advances in Viral diseases of animals-implications on One Health" Principal Investigator 9,879 Research Grant
BB/K021362/1 India-United Kingdom Bioinformatics Network Co-investigator 25,510 Research Grant
BB/L004240/1 Enhancing potency and efficacy of herpesvirus of turkeys-based multivalent vaccines against avian influenza viruses Co-investigator 126,746 Research Grant
BB/L014262/1 ANIHWA call 1: MADISUP. Marek's Disease Virus induced immunosuppression: From diagnosis to vaccination Principal Investigator 315,396 Research Grant
BB/L026589/1 European Partnering Award on Avian Disease Research (EPAADR) Principal Investigator 20,216 Research Grant
BB/M008681/1 Bilateral BBSRC-FAPESP Research Grant: Dissecting Essential Roles of Chicken Interferon Stimulated Genes in the Pathobiology of Poultry Viruses Co-investigator 383,644 Research Grant
BB/M008681/2 Bilateral BBSRC-FAPESP Research Grant: Dissecting Essential Roles of Chicken Interferon Stimulated Genes in the Pathobiology of Poultry Viruses Co-investigator 133,084 Research Grant
BB/M019152/1 Stabilisation of Newcastle Disease vaccine formulated in sugar-glass on polypropylene membranes Co-investigator 140,847 Research Grant
BB/M027481/1 Other Countries Partnering Award, South Korea: Genome editing and transgenic technologies for virus-host interaction studies in birds Principal Investigator 35,715 Research Grant
BB/N002598/1 Dissecting the role of TGF-beta+ regulatory CD4+ T cells in pathogenesis of Marek's disease in chickens Co-investigator 416,187 Research Grant
BB/R007896/1 Dissecting the molecular pathways of MDV oncoprotein Meq for understanding pathogenesis and aid vaccine development Co-investigator 447,562 Research Grant
BB/R012865/1 UK-China partnership on Global Food Security: Combating avian tumor diseases for sustainable poultry production Co-investigator 389,043 Research Grant
BB/V019031/1 Replacement fluorescence activated cell sorter for the Jenner Laboratory (BBSRC National Vaccinology Centre: The Jenner Building) Co-investigator 434,436 Research Grant
BBS/B/00174 Marek's disease virus pathogenesis and disease resistance Principal Investigator 307,230 Research Grant
BBS/B/10544 Marek's disease virus pathogenesis: Investigating viral gene expression profiles by transcriptome analysis Principal Investigator 23,376 Research Grant
BBS/E/I/00000024 Molecular characterisation of expression of endogenous retroviral elements in avian cells Principal Investigator 171,962 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00000025 Molecular characteristics of Marek's disease caused by variant viral pathotypes emerging in Europe Principal Investigator 60,117 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00000380 Molecular pathogenesis of Marek's disease Principal Investigator 371,110 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00000710 Molecular basis and characterisation of oncogenesis and genetic susceptibility to myeloid leukosis induced by subgroup J avian leukosis virus Principal Investigator 14,339 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00000713 Can full length Marek's disease virus genome be constructed as an infectious bacterial artificial chromosome? Principal Investigator 40,460 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00000783 Molecular determinants for increasing virulence of Marek's disease virus isolates Principal Investigator 596,150 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00000823 Immunological tolerance against ALV-J infection in meat-type chickens: Role of novel endogenous retroviral elements Principal Investigator 108,380 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00000898 Molecular interactions between Marek's disease virus-encoded proteins and cell-cycle proteins in oncogenesis Principal Investigator 6,270 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00000968 Searching the determinants of myeloid tropism and genetic resistance to monocyte transformation by avian leukosis virus subgroup J Principal Investigator 111,356 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001029 Manipulation of Marek's Disease virus genome for the identification of oncogenic and immunogenic determinants Principal Investigator 2,946,450 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001051 Analysis of the molecular mechanisms of tumour induction and genetic control of subgroup J avian leukosis virus in chickens Principal Investigator 123,522 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001111 Marek's disease virus pathogenesis and disease resistance Principal Investigator 308,156 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001119 Marek's disease virus pathogenesis: investigating viral gene expression profiles by transcriptome analysis Principal Investigator 3,626 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001186 Molecular events and mechanisms of Marek's disease pathogenesis Principal Investigator 111,223 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001190 Interaction of Marek's disease virus Meq protein and chicken CtBP in cell transformation and the pathogenesis of Marek's disease Principal Investigator 150,370 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001239 Investigation into the role of MicroRNAs in pathogenesis of Marek's disease Principal Investigator 138,991 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001275 Studies leading to sustainable strategies for the control of Marek's disease: is vaccination responsible for virulence evolution in Marek's disease? Principal Investigator 263,994 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001310 Combating highly pathogenic avian influenza: novel vaccination strategies Principal Investigator 551,233 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001369 Differential co-expression in DNA microarray data Principal Investigator 229,231 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001386 The role of the Marek's disease virus (MDV) Meq oncoprotein in the pathogenesis of Marek's disease and the development of MDV vaccine strains Principal Investigator 131,335 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001403 Studies leading to sustainable strategies for the control of Marek's disease: Is vaccination responsible for virulence evolution in Marek's disease? Principal Investigator 101,552 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001405 Functional analysis of novel microRNAs encoded by avian herpesviruses Principal Investigator 230,667 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001426 Marek's disease: pathogenic determinants and epigenetic changes Principal Investigator 1,964,141 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001483 Translational control by non-coding RNA in Marek's disease herpesvirus: implications in oncogenesis and exploitation in bioengineering Principal Investigator 127,762 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001559 Marek's Disease virus spread: in and out of chickens (MADISPREAD) Principal Investigator 3,879 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001591 Avian Developmental immunology and innate immunity Principal Investigator 268,864 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001594 Infectious Bursal Disease Principal Investigator 139,524 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001651 Investigate the role of avian viral diseases in the modification of host epigenetic factors and translational control Principal Investigator 75,640 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001704 Molecular interactions in oncogenesis by avian oncogenic viruses Principal Investigator 2,956,832 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001705 Generation of molecules, tools and reagents for pathogen recognition, antigen presentation and effector responses in avians Principal Investigator 1,804,839 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001721 Investigate the role of avian viral diseases in the modification of host epigenetic factors and translational control Principal Investigator 1,052,151 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001833 Studentship: Interaction between the neurovirulence protein from herpesvirus and the ER-resident TF:structural, biochemical and physiological insights Principal Investigator 85,851 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001847 Honorary Visiting Pirbright Institute Investigator Immunogenomics/Transcriptomics Principal Investigator 5,772 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001865 Studentship: The role of Meq protein in the pathogenesis of Marek’s disease Principal Investigator 12,210 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00001991 Studentship: Evasion of host innate immunity by Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and its pathogenic consequences Co-investigator 28,897 Institute Project
BBS/E/I/00002117 Studentship: Avian Astrovirus genome encapsidation: a novel molecular target for antiviral interventions Co-investigator 374,424 Institute Project
BBS/OS/NW/000007 Sino-British Centre for Research on Avian Diseases Principal Investigator 500,000 Research Grant
JRE10814 (A) Purchase of an abi prism 377 automated sequencer for genomic mapping of disease resistance genes Co-investigator 48,000 Research Grant
LKS18173 Searching the determinants of myeloid tropism and genetic resistance to monocyte transformation by avian leukosis virus subgroup J Principal Investigator 173,068 Research Grant
REI20507 Proteomic investigation of animal diseases Co-investigator 150,000 Research Grant
S13847 Immunological tolerance against ALV-J infection in meat-type chickens: role of novel endogenous retroviral elements Principal Investigator 157,472 Research Grant
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