Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProf. Tom Wileman
Current InstitutionQuadram Institute Bioscience
Current DepartmentGut Microbes and Health
Institution website
Previous InstitutionsUniversity of East Anglia

Current Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/W002450/1 Role of LAP in controlling liver homeostasis Co-investigator 566,929 Research Grant

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/E018521/1 Autophagy represents a new host-pathogen interface for identification of infectious bronchitis virus proteins that determine virulence Principal Investigator 265,520 Research Grant
BB/F012861/1 Role of autophagy during picornavirus replication. Principal Investigator 284,788 Research Grant
BB/J009040/1 Re-organisation of microtubule minus-ends during apico-basal epithelial polarisation and differentiation Co-investigator 456,489 Research Grant
BB/N022505/1 China Partnering Award: Exchange of vaccine technology for delivery of oral vaccines to mucosal surfaces Principal Investigator 30,489 Research Grant
BB/R009988/1 The role of LC3-associated phagocytosis during virus infection Principal Investigator 148,495 Research Grant
BBS/B/00220 The Immunological Toolbox Co-investigator 867,953 Research Grant
C07867 Protein transport and membrane trafficking in picornavirus-infected cells Co-investigator 154,776 Research Grant
JE514377 (I) New transmission electron microscope for Institute of Animal Health Principal Investigator 178,880 Research Grant
JE616422 Laser microdissection microscope for Institute for Animal Health Pirbright Co-investigator 51,644 Research Grant
JE616428 Confocal microscope for Institute for Animal Health Principal Investigator 142,276 Research Grant
S11230 The use of bioimaging to study virus assembly Principal Investigator 61,804 Research Grant
S14654 The survival strategy of persistent foot-and-mouth disease virus in bovines Co-investigator 397,665 Research Grant
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