Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Paul Barlow
Current InstitutionUniversity of Edinburgh
Current DepartmentSch of Chemistry
Institution website
Previous Institutions

Current Awards

No current BBSRC awards

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
B02166 Chemical synthesis and structure/function of cell surface receptors for measles virus and Epstein-Barr Principal Investigator 127,150 Research Grant
B06742 Chemically synthesised ubiquitin analogues as probes of protein folding dynamics and structure Co-investigator 183,079 Research Grant
B09851 Structural basis for regulation of the complement cascade by complement receptor type 1 Principal Investigator 156,974 Research Grant
BB/C508834/1 Structure-function relationship of the novel ES cell transcriptional determinant Nanog Co-investigator 359,328 Research Grant
BB/D524775/1 Studies of biomolecules and their interactions by using NMR spectroscopy with cutting edge sensitivity. Co-investigator 154,155 Research Grant
BB/D524940/1 Characterisation of Macromolecular and Ligand Interactions using SPR and ITC Co-investigator 199,970 Research Grant
BB/I007946/1 The 'safety catch' on the trigger for formation of the membrane attack complex - a structural analysis Principal Investigator 377,066 Research Grant
BB/K011774/1 Biomanufacture and characterisation of the of potentially therapeutic glycoprotein, factor H Principal Investigator 93,520 Training Grants
BB/L024403/1 Unlocking the complement-suppressing potential of factor H with a bacterial polypeptide Principal Investigator 172,807 Research Grant
BB/R013993/1 Underpinning UK Biomolecular Research with Next-Generation High Resolution Mass Spectrometry at the University of Edinburgh Co-investigator 722,150 Research Grant
BCI06194 Preparation and structure-function studies of chemically defined glycoproteins Co-investigator 305,408 Research Grant
C15631 Structure-function studies of the CCP (sushi) modules in the metabotropic GABA receptor that define three putative subtypes Principal Investigator 210,776 Research Grant
D09446 Structure/function relationships of beta-lactoglobulin in relation to thermal stability and the effects of ions lactosylation and lipids Co-investigator 261,711 Research Grant
ICR07596 Function regulation and structure of the utrophin ZZ domain Co-investigator 158,997 Research Grant
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