Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor George Blair
Current InstitutionUniversity of Leeds
Current DepartmentSch of Molecular & Cellular Biology
Institution website
Previous Institutions

Current Awards

No current BBSRC awards

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
95/A2/C/00300 Effect of natural polymers on the wound healing process Principal Supervisor 30,553 Studentships
97/A1/C/03210 Studies on the cellular receptor for human adenovirus type 5 Principal Supervisor 32,554 Studentships
98/A1/C/04823 Studies on cellular receptors for human adenoviruses Principal Supervisor 34,216 Studentships
BB/C511172/1 A fluorescence activated cell sorter facility for the biosciences Principal Investigator 153,581 Research Grant
BB/R000352/1 A Multi-User Flow Cytometry Facility for the Biosciences in Leeds Principal Investigator 188,211 Research Grant
BBS/B/03300 The role of the cajal body viral gene expression Principal Investigator 205,565 Research Grant
BBS/S/C/2004/12585 Expression and biological activity of the human adenovirus E1A proteins (Funded via Training Grant BB/A517718/1) Principal Supervisor Studentships
BBS/S/C/2005/12993 The development of human adenoviruses as gene therapy vectors (Funded via Training Grant BB/A517718/1) Principal Supervisor Studentships
C15265 Defining the repertoire of cell receptors utilised by human adenoviruses Principal Investigator 202,868 Research Grant
REI18440 Molecular and cellular biology of membranes Co-investigator 185,488 Research Grant
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