Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Wendy Barclay
Current InstitutionImperial College London
Current DepartmentInfectious Disease
Institution website
Previous InstitutionsUniversity of Reading

Current Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/P025803/1 Japan Partnering Award: Understanding diversity of avian influenza viruses and improvement of vaccines and diagnostics Co-investigator 50,511 Research Grant
BB/W509966/1 Optimising genomic RNA RNA interactions for development of flexible influenza virus vector backbones for co vaccination Principal Investigator 111,929 Training Grants
BB/X006204/1 Flu-MAP Principal Investigator 108,020 Research Grant

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
00/A2/P/06407 A mutant rescue system to study resistance of influenza B viruses to neuraminidase inhibitors Principal Supervisor 37,132 Studentships
96/B1/P/02480 Assembly mechanisms of orthomyxoviruses Principal Supervisor 31,607 Studentships
BB/C516495/1 The role of the novel influenza A protein PB1-F2 in viral pathogenesis in the avian species Principal Investigator 270,764 Research Grant
BB/C516495/2 The role of the novel influenza A protein PB1-F2 in viral pathogenesis in the avian species Principal Investigator 87,498 Research Grant
BB/H014292/1 Combating Swine Influenza Initiative (model project) Co-investigator 671,921 Research Grant
BB/K002465/1 Developing Rapid Responses to Emerging Virus Infections of Poultry (DRREVIP) Co-investigator 5,069,406 Research Grant
BB/R007292/1 Rapid acquisition of mammalian characteristics by avian influenza virus in single host infections. Co-investigator 540,326 Research Grant
BB/R013071/1 Discovery and characterization of swine host factors required to support swine influenza virus replication. Principal Investigator 413,640 Research Grant
BB/S008292/1 Investigating the role of ANP32A in the replication of Avian influenza Virus Principal Investigator 295,936 Research Grant
BB/V013831/1 Induction and role of type I and III interferons during SARS CoV2 infection Co-investigator 304,162 Research Grant
BBS/S/A/2004/11087 Role of NS1 protein in pathogenesis of equine influenza Principal Supervisor 37,005 Studentships
BBS/S/B/2004/13542 Role of NSI protein in pathogenesis of equine influenza Principal Supervisor 16,941 Studentships
BBS/S/B/2005/13541 Using reverse genetics to probe the assembly of influenza Principal Supervisor 24,191 Studentships
BBS/S/B/2006/13537 Using viral suppressors of RNA silencing to enhance gene expression in filamentous fungi Principal Supervisor 46,157 Studentships
C12927 Assembly of influenza virus Principal Investigator 172,288 Research Grant
REI18515 Visualisation by confocal microscopy of protein location and interactions within living cells Co-investigator 139,340 Research Grant
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