Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Mark Searcey
Current InstitutionUniversity of East Anglia
Current DepartmentPharmacy
Institution website
Previous InstitutionsUniversity College London

Current Awards

No current BBSRC awards

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/L003929/1 Taiwan-NRP: Natural Product Bioactives Co-investigator 25,305 Research Grant
BB/L017261/1 Development of jacalin as a target delivery platform to study ligand interactions in the lung. Principal Investigator 94,126 Training Grants
BB/M021769/1 Glyconanoparticle diagnostics for the detection and discrimation of human and avian influenza infection Co-investigator 193,837 Research Grant
BB/N008448/1 Are metabolites of flavonoids responsible for the health benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption? Co-investigator 398,172 Research Grant
BB/T017708/1 New high resolution mass spectrometry facilities for macromolecules and metabolites at the University of East Anglia Co-investigator 490,000 Research Grant
BBS/S/B/2005/13477 The development of antibody delivered cytotoxins as a technology platform for the selective treatment of cancer Principal Supervisor 33,816 Studentships
BBS/S/M/2005/12402 The development of antibody delivered cytotoxins as a technology platform for the selective treatment of cancer Principal Supervisor 16,044 Studentships
JE514776 (A) Enhanced mass spectrometry facility for pharmaceutical proteomics Co-investigator 35,676 Research Grant
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