Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Ilias Kyriazakis
Current InstitutionQueen's University of Belfast
Current DepartmentSch of Biological Sciences
Institution website
Previous InstitutionsSRUC

Current Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/W020467/1 Management of post-weaning diarrhoea and the implications for AMR in response to the upcoming ban on zinc supplementation in pigs. Co-investigator 201,722 Research Grant
BB/W020491/1 Unravelling Enterococcus cecorum infection on UK broiler farms: correlating clinical signs with genomics, persistence and animal behaviour. Co-investigator 200,860 Research Grant
BB/W020505/1 An Integrated Parasite Control Framework for Ruminants Co-investigator 199,140 Research Grant
BB/X017567/1 CO-ADAPT: Adaptive management of endemic coinfections in ruminant livestock under climate change Co-investigator 801,334 Research Grant

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
01/A4/S/07971 Modelling the effects of the infectious environment on pig growth and intake Principal Supervisor 41,266 Studentships
97/B1/S/03460 Short and long-term trade-offs in the foraging decisions of grazing sheep and cattle Principal Supervisor 32,558 Studentships
99/A2/S/05409 Modelling the relationship between short-term feeding behaviour and long-term feed intake Principal Supervisor 35,171 Studentships
99/B1/D/05965 Modelling the effects of environmental stressors on pig growth and performance Principal Supervisor 36,847 Studentships
BB/K50175X/1 Towards integrated parasite control in cattle through the synergism of host genetics and management Principal Investigator 92,173 Training Grants
BB/L017385/1 13TSB_AgriFood Automated screening for pathologies at abattoir through computer vision based inspection of pig carcasses Principal Investigator 177,635 Research Grant
BB/L502431/1 Incorporating novel behaviour traits in broiler breeder genetic evaluation programmes Principal Investigator 93,520 Training Grants
BB/M011364/1 14TSB_ATC_IR A Catalyst for Automated Capture & Analysis of Behaviour & Performance Changes in Pigs for Early Detection of Health and Welfare Problems Principal Investigator 592,856 Research Grant
BB/P50502X/1 The interactions between novel enzymes and phosphorous and calcium contents of pig feeds Principal Investigator 96,696 Training Grants
BB/R010250/1 Integrating ecology and animal science to understand and manage anthelmintic resistance in cattle under climate change Co-investigator 503,211 Research Grant
D19854 Using stochastic models to assess the consequences of breeding for resistance to gastrointestinal parasitism in ruminant populations Principal Investigator 127,855 Research Grant
S02630 Genetic and phenotypic determinants of nutrient demand and feeding behaviour in dairy cows Co-investigator 309,765 Research Grant
S13807 The nutritional basis of the periparturient relaxation of immunity to gastrointestinal parasites Principal Investigator 244,344 Research Grant
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