Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Xiaodong Zhang
Current InstitutionImperial College London
Current DepartmentInfectious Disease
Institution website
Previous Institutions

Current Awards

No current BBSRC awards

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
B17129 Structural characterisation of AAA molecules in transcriptional activation Principal Investigator 121,740 Research Grant
BB/C504700/1 Determination of a new functional state of a multisubunit RNA polymerase Principal Investigator 315,253 Research Grant
BB/C510859/1 Protein analytical suite for protein structure function engineering and rational drug design Principal Investigator 191,515 Research Grant
BB/D521922/1 Structure-function relationships in an AAA+ transcription activator Co-investigator 226,322 Research Grant
BB/D524840/1 A high-throughput crystallisation facility for protein structure determination Co-investigator 188,124 Research Grant
BB/E527412/1 MRes in Structural Molecular Biology Principal Investigator 233,760 Training Grants
BB/G00594X/1 Visualising a bacterial stress response: gene product localisations movements and gene regulation at single molecule level in live bacterial cells Co-investigator 523,659 Research Grant
BB/H012249/1 Mechanism of a nucleotide dependent transcription activation process Principal Investigator 917,925 Research Grant
BB/H020748/1 MRes in Structural Molecular Biology Principal Investigator 123,602 Training Grants
BB/I021930/1 The sweet and the sticky: a new paradigm for divergent phloem function. Co-investigator 472,075 Research Grant
BB/N007816/1 Structures and Mechanisms of RNA polymerase inhibition and activation Principal Investigator 1,087,421 Research Grant
BB/R018499/1 Organisation and regulation of bacterial enhancer-binding proteins Principal Investigator 1,028,680 Research Grant
BB/S019529/1 A surface plasmon resonance facility for label-free analysis of biomolecular interactions Co-investigator 182,677 Research Grant
BBS/S/A/2004/10965 In vitro assembly of an intermediate transcription complex Principal Supervisor 47,645 Studentships
BBS/S/N/2005/12350 Structural characterisation of p97atpase Principal Supervisor 49,864 Studentships
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