Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Andreas Hofmann
Current InstitutionGriffith University
Current DepartmentEskitis Inst Cell & Molecular Therapies
Previous InstitutionsUniversity of Edinburgh

Current Awards

No current BBSRC awards

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
B19520 Three-dimensional structure of cyclase-associated protein (CAP): a protein involved in cell development and endocytosis Principal Investigator 181,124 Research Grant
BB/D524940/1 Characterisation of Macromolecular and Ligand Interactions using SPR and ITC Co-investigator 199,970 Research Grant
BBS/S/K/2003/10047 A computational project in structural biology : Development of Java applications and modelling studies on the glucocorticoid receptor Principal Supervisor 44,773 Studentships
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