Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Tanya Whitfield
Current InstitutionUniversity of Sheffield
Current DepartmentSchool of Biosciences
Institution website
Previous Institutions

Current Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/W019450/1 A new platform for multiplexed longterm imaging of cell behaviour during regeneration and development. Co-investigator 556,908 Research Grant

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
01/B1/G/07428 Acquisition of sensory cell fate in the zebrafish ear Principal Supervisor 32,836 Studentships
BB/E015875/1 Axial patterning in the vertebrate inner ear: the role of Hedgehog signalling Principal Investigator 295,303 Research Grant
BB/G529424/1 BBSRC Industrial CASE Partnership Grant Principal Investigator 72,540 Training Grants
BB/J003050/1 The mechanism of GPCR signalling in zebrafish semicircular canal morphogenesis Principal Investigator 403,845 Research Grant
BB/M01021X/1 Development and function of the zebrafish vestibular system across the life course Principal Investigator 720,737 Research Grant
BB/M012522/1 A multi-user light-sheet microscope for Bateson Centre researchers, University of Sheffield scientists, partners and collaborators Principal Investigator 366,737 Research Grant
BB/R50581X/1 GPCR drug discovery using the zebrafish model Principal Investigator 98,212 Training Grants
BB/S007008/1 Integration of BMP and Wnt signalling in the developing zebrafish ear Principal Investigator 590,769 Research Grant
BB/V019368/1 Spinning disk microscope for Wolfson Light Microscopy Facility Co-investigator 270,000 Research Grant
G19428 Development and evolution of anteroposterior asymmetry in the fish inner ear Principal Investigator 229,387 Research Grant
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