Summary report

Use one or more predefined summary reports to analyse the awards list. The reports provide the ability to further drill down to lists of awards and from that to the details of a specific award.

Current query:

Award Type: Research Grants; Institute Projects; Fellowships
Award Status: Current
Total No Of Results: 1952
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Region Summary

 Sorted ascendingRegionNo of awardsValue £
East Midlands 86 46,170,852
Eastern 462 466,038,062
London 257 121,840,758
North East 38 20,087,003
North West 158 77,145,479
Northern Ireland 26 8,231,455
Scotland 259 143,809,341
South East 236 235,087,668
South West 134 77,366,436
unclassified 1 230,573
Wales 47 29,226,764
West Midlands 98 43,346,687
Yorkshire and Humberside 150 95,019,378
  Total: 1,952 1,363,600,456
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