Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Arwen Pearson
Current InstitutionUniversity of Hamburg
Current DepartmentInstitut fur Experimentalphysik
Previous InstitutionsUniversity of Leeds

Current Awards

No current BBSRC awards

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
97/A2/C/03016 Study of the mechanisms and inhibition of the NADM oxidase activity of xanthine oxidase Student 32,558 Studentships
BB/E013163/1 A high-throughput protein expression facility for structural and cell biology Co-investigator 233,230 Research Grant
BB/H001905/1 Reaction intermediates in the O2 activation mechanism of an extradiol dioxygenase: visualising catalytic protons and active site dynamics in crystallo Principal Investigator 498,706 Research Grant
BB/I002456/1 Use of synchrotron radiation to investigate the structure of genomic RNAs inside viral capsids Co-investigator 58,101 Research Grant
BB/I025247/1 The development and application of complementary biophysical methods enabling the study of biomacromolecular dynamics Co-investigator 51,273 Research Grant
BB/L015056/1 High-throughput low-volume crystallisation facility Co-investigator 467,104 Research Grant
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