Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Niamh Forde
Current InstitutionUniversity of Leeds
Current DepartmentSchool of Medicine
Institution website
Previous Institutions

Current Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/W020408/1 Predicting and enhancing lifetime resilience in dairy cattle Co-investigator 200,820 Research Grant
BB/W020459/1 Optimisation Of On-farm Technologies To Predict Health And Resilience In Dairy Calves Co-investigator 196,653 Research Grant
BB/X007367/1 The role of miRNAs in the evolution of mammal implantation. Principal Investigator 599,282 Research Grant

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/R017522/1 Bilateral BBSRC-FAPESP: Understanding novel conceptus-maternal communication is the key to improving pregnancy outcome in cattle. Principal Investigator 558,449 Research Grant
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