Investigator / Supervisor details

NameDr John Hickey
Current InstitutionUniversity of Edinburgh
Current DepartmentThe Roslin Institute
Institution website
Previous Institutions

Current Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/T014067/1 Development of a high-throughput pipeline to identify causal variants and its demonstration in pig muscle Co-investigator 746,468 Research Grant

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/L020467/1 GplusE: Genomic selection and Environment modelling for next generation wheat breeding Co-investigator 262,715 Research Grant
BB/L020726/1 Next generation imputation for huge data sets Principal Investigator 453,932 Research Grant
BB/M009254/1 Developing next generation genetic improvement tools from next generation sequencing Principal Investigator 341,731 Research Grant
BB/N004728/1 15AGRITECHCAT3 Precision Breeding: Broilers from Sequence to Consequence Principal Investigator 1,237,353 Research Grant
BB/N004736/1 15AGRITECHCAT3 Innovative NextGen pig breeding using DNA sequence data Principal Investigator 1,170,166 Research Grant
BB/N006178/1 Analysis of quantitative genetic traits in a huge data set Principal Investigator 657,912 Research Grant
BB/N015339/1 Genome editing for quantitative traits in livestock Co-investigator 711,436 Research Grant
BB/N024044/1 RCUK-CONICYT: Utilising functional genomic variation for improved disease resistance in Chilean salmon aquaculture Co-investigator 339,925 Research Grant
BB/R002061/1 A general method for the imputation of genomic data in crop species Principal Investigator 316,259 Research Grant
BB/R019940/1 A strategy to exploit genomic selection for achieving higher genetic gains in groundnut Co-investigator 531,141 Research Grant
BB/S004343/1 AquaLeap: Innovation in Genetics and Breeding to Advance UK Aquaculture Production Co-investigator 322,628 Research Grant
BB/S019367/1 Large memory HPC infrastructure to underpin world-class biological research Co-investigator 600,000 Research Grant
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