Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Rowland Kao
Current InstitutionUniversity of Edinburgh
Current DepartmentRoslin Institute
Institution website
Previous InstitutionsUniversity of Glasgow

Current Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/T004401/1 [18-EEID US-UK DDCOVMP] Drivers of diversity and transmission of co-circulating viral lineages in host meta-populations Co-investigator 407,215 Research Grant
BB/W007290/1 Developing better modelling inference tools to inform disease control for bovine Tuberculosis using epidemiological and pathogen genetic information. Principal Investigator 376,744 Research Grant
BB/X006123/1 Understanding animal health threats from emerging H5 high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses Co-investigator 179,866 Research Grant
BBS/E/D/20002173 Pathogen diversity, host specificity and virulence Co-investigator 9,811,753 Institute Project

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/L004739/1 Molecular epidemiology of ticks and tick-borne disease, host resistance and development of novel pathogen vaccines Co-investigator 428,822 Research Grant
BB/L010569/1 Joint estimation of epidemiological and genetic processes for Mycobacterium bovis transmission dynamics in cattle and badgers Principal Investigator 773,448 Research Grant
BB/L010569/2 Joint estimation of epidemiological and genetic processes for Mycobacterium bovis transmission dynamics in cattle and badgers Principal Investigator 241,739 Research Grant
BB/L018926/1 Social, Economic and Environmental Drivers of Zoonoses in Tanzania (SEEDZ) Co-investigator 2,738,706 Research Grant
BB/M01262X/1 US-UK Collab: Mycobacterial Transmission Dynamics in Agricultural Systems: Integrating Phylogenetics, Epidemiology, Ecology, and Economics Principal Investigator 379,635 Research Grant
BB/M01262X/2 US-UK Collab: Mycobacterial Transmission Dynamics in Agricultural Systems: Integrating Phylogenetics, Epidemiology, Ecology, and Economics Principal Investigator 109,862 Research Grant
BB/P010598/1 Bilateral BBSRC-SFI: Tackling a multi-host pathogen problem - phylodynamic analyses of the epidemiology of M. bovis in Britain and Ireland Principal Investigator 448,073 Research Grant
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