Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Mark Bronsvoort
Current InstitutionUniversity of Edinburgh
Current DepartmentThe Roslin Institute
Institution website
Previous Institutions

Current Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/X006123/1 Understanding animal health threats from emerging H5 high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses Co-investigator 179,866 Research Grant
BBS/E/D/20002173 Pathogen diversity, host specificity and virulence Co-investigator 9,811,753 Institute Project

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/J004006/1 Cameroon Zoonoses Collaboration Development Co-investigator 2,500 Research Grant
BB/T010460/1 EEID travel award: Understanding transmission dynamics for bacterial zoonoses in humans, goats and camels among pastoral communities in Northern Kenya Co-investigator 1,960 Research Grant
BB/T017252/1 Veterinary Data and epidemiological training to improve livestock health and productivity in Malawi Principal Investigator 40,230 Training Grants
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