Investigator / Supervisor details

NameDr Stuart Johnson
Current InstitutionUniversity of Sheffield
Current DepartmentSchool of Biosciences
Institution website
Previous Institutions

Current Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/S006257/1 Physiological and molecular basis of stereociliary bundle growth and maintenance by the Eps8-like family genes and their interacting partners. Co-investigator 790,271 Research Grant
BB/T004991/1 Cholinergic efferent re-wiring of hair cells in the aging cochlea: understanding mechanisms and functional significance Co-investigator 600,765 Research Grant
BB/X000567/1 Understanding the role of hair cell mechanoelectrical transduction in age-related and noise-induced hearing loss Principal Investigator 467,029 Research Grant

Completed Awards

No completed BBSRC awards

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