Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Roberto La Ragione
Current InstitutionUniversity of Surrey
Current DepartmentVeterinary Medicine & Science
Institution website
Previous InstitutionsAnimal and Plant Health Agency (APHA)

Current Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/W00187X/1 Copper-induced microbiota shifts and its effect on pig-gut colonisation by sil and sopE encoding Salmonella Principal Investigator 108,119 Research Grant
BB/W019116/1 The "SEISMIC" facility for Spatially rEsolved sIngle and Sub-cellular oMICs Co-investigator 1,536,901 Research Grant
BB/W020440/1 RaDiCal: Rapid diagnosis of Calf Pneumonia Co-investigator 180,648 Research Grant
BB/X012786/1 Canada_IPAP Constructing model microbiomes to study microbial interactions and AMR in dairy production systems Co-investigator 151,578 Research Grant
BB/X512230/1 pCURE4Pigs Co-investigator 435,112 Research Grant

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/M022579/1 Novel antimicrobial agents for bacterial pathogens of livestock: light-activated CO-releasing molecules Co-investigator 674,947 Research Grant
BB/R012695/1 Low-cost Portable Molecular Diagnostic Platform for Rapid Detection of Poultry Infectious Pathogens (LMDP) Co-investigator 623,604 Research Grant
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