Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Matthew Loose
Current InstitutionUniversity of Nottingham
Current DepartmentSchool of Life Sciences
Institution website
Previous Institutions

Current Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/S000178/1 Cell fate regulation during gastrulation in humans and pigs Co-investigator 562,277 Research Grant
BB/T013575/1 Developmental roadmap of primordial germ cells in humans and pigs Co-investigator 532,045 Research Grant
BB/X017370/1 Monitoring the gut microbiome via AI and omics: a new approach to detect infection and AMR and to support novel therapeutics in broiler precision farm Co-investigator 810,807 Research Grant

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
97/A1/G/03272 GATA transcription factors and specification of ventral territory in vertebrate embryos Student 38,169 Studentships
BB/D018579/1 Regulatory networks underlying lens development and evolution Co-investigator 589,056 Research Grant
BB/M012336/1 High throughput intermediate scale sequencing for the Midlands Principal Investigator 280,212 Research Grant
BB/M020061/1 minoTour: A real time analysis and data management platform for Oxford Nanopore minION reads. Principal Investigator 147,769 Research Grant
BB/N005759/1 Studying potential interplay between active demethylation and WT1-dependent transcriptional regulation during glial differentiation. Co-investigator 502,112 Research Grant
BB/N016491/1 Bilateral NSF/BIO-BBSRC- Remodelling Replication Roadblocks: Regulatory Systems that Integrate DNA Replication, Recombination and Protein Modification Co-investigator 398,053 Research Grant
BB/N017099/1 Adaptive sampling ('Read Until') methods in optimised nanopore sequencing technologies Principal Investigator 301,039 Research Grant
BB/R000492/1 Development and applications for long read sequencing in the Midlands Principal Investigator 210,143 Research Grant
BB/R007543/1 From Comparative Genomics to Comparative Genetics - What is Required for Life Without DNA Replication Origins? Co-investigator 495,280 Research Grant
BB/V017608/1 Identification and quantification of complex plant pathogens within heterogenous samples harnessing single molecule sequencing Co-investigator 150,648 Research Grant
BB/W009501/1 What's the Risk from and to European wildlife from SARS-like Coronaviruses? Co-investigator 291,532 Research Grant
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