Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Glenn Burley
Current InstitutionUniversity of Strathclyde
Current DepartmentPure and Applied Chemistry
Institution website
Previous Institutions

Current Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/T000627/1 How do RNA-binding proteins control splice site selection? Co-investigator 4,033,564 Research Grant
BB/X512242/1 TargoPep: A cell-selective therapeutic delivery platform directed by non-toxic cell penetrating peptides Principal Investigator 200,474 Research Grant

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/J020087/1 A synthetic biology approach to fighting Francisella tularensis: Development of aptamer presenting DNA-nanorings Co-investigator 122,666 Research Grant
BB/J02080X/1 A new tool in RNA research: using an expanded genetic repertoire for site-specific incorporation of functional groups Principal Investigator 120,129 Research Grant
BB/M016366/1 Establishing an integrated biocatalytic Friedel-Crafts platform for the alkylation of aromatic small molecules Principal Investigator 95,042 Training Grants
BB/N007638/1 A new drug discovery pipeline for animal African trypanosomiasis Co-investigator 288,023 Research Grant
BB/N016378/1 DNA-directed construction of three-dimensional photosynthetic assemblies Principal Investigator 227,788 Research Grant
BB/N021630/1 A new genetically-encoded aptamer platform for multi-colour RNA imaging Principal Investigator 151,049 Research Grant
BB/R006857/1 Regulation of alternative splicing by G-quadruplexes: molecular mechanisms and tools to manipulate gene expression Principal Investigator 374,263 Research Grant
BB/S013717/1 A new genetically-encoded catalytic platform for RNA imaging Principal Investigator 10,685 Research Grant
BB/T017104/1 Next-generation bio-orthogonal reaction platform for RNA tagging and imaging Principal Investigator 201,637 Research Grant
BB/T018062/1 GlasBioPhys: an integrated facility for the analysis of biomolecular interactions Principal Investigator 257,420 Research Grant
BB/V017586/1 Fluorous-based diagnostic platform for multiplexed diagnosis and differentiation of viral infections Principal Investigator 149,705 Research Grant
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