Investigator / Supervisor details

NameProfessor Ross Houston
Current InstitutionUniversity of Edinburgh
Current DepartmentThe Roslin Institute
Institution website
Previous Institutions

Current Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
BB/V009818/1 Towards lice-resistant salmon: functional genetics and genome editing to enhance disease resistance in aquaculture Co-investigator 720,626 Research Grant
BB/W018527/1 Singapore - Malaysia - UK Partnering Award: Genetic innovations to support sustainable tropical aquaculture Co-investigator 30,489 Research Grant
BBS/E/D/10002071 The function of genes and cellular phenotypes in animal systems Co-investigator 9,562,432 Institute Project

Completed Awards

ReferenceTitleAward RoleValue £Type
00/B1/D/06002 A candidate gene approach to identify loci influencing appetite in a porcine model Student 37,132 Studentships
BB/H022007/1 Towards the causal factors underlying the genetic resistance of Atlantic salmon to infectious disease Principal Investigator 1,146,966 Fellowships
BB/L024004/1 Identifying molecular determinants of drug susceptibility in salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) Co-investigator 20,335 Research Grant
BB/M026140/1 Investigation of Host Genetic Resistance to Oyster Herpes Virus using a High Density SNP Array Principal Investigator 249,324 Research Grant
BB/M028321/1 Genomic selection for improved resistance to Amoebic Gill Disease in farmed Atlantic salmon Principal Investigator 113,707 Research Grant
BB/N022114/1 New Zealand - UK Paterning Award: Breeding for disease resistance in farmed oysters using genomic tools Principal Investigator 24,086 Research Grant
BB/N024044/1 RCUK-CONICYT: Utilising functional genomic variation for improved disease resistance in Chilean salmon aquaculture Principal Investigator 339,925 Research Grant
BB/P02582X/1 Canada: Functional annotation of the Atlantic salmon genome, translation to improved health and performance for Aquaculture Co-investigator 30,612 Research Grant
BB/R008612/1 Improving resistance to infectious salmon anaemia using genome editing: Novel approaches to tackling viral disease in aquaculture Principal Investigator 452,951 Research Grant
BB/S004343/1 AquaLeap: Innovation in Genetics and Breeding to Advance UK Aquaculture Production Co-investigator 322,628 Research Grant
BB/S00436X/1 ROBUST-SMOLT Impact of early life history in freshwater Recirculation Aquaculture Systems on A. salmon robustness and susceptibility to disease at sea Co-investigator 162,330 Research Grant
BB/S019367/1 Large memory HPC infrastructure to underpin world-class biological research Co-investigator 600,000 Research Grant
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