Award details

High resolution analysis of phenotype in manipulated complex tissues

Principal Investigator / Supervisor Dr Alec Simpson
Co-Investigators /
Professor James Gallagher, Professor John Quinn, Professor James Stewart, Professor Michael White
Institution University of Liverpool
DepartmentHuman Anatomy and Cell Biology
Funding typeResearch
Value (£) 200,000
TypeResearch Grant
Start date 04/10/2003
End date 03/04/2004
Duration6 months


We are requesting a contribution towards the purchase of a Leica TCS MP2 AOBS confocal microscope. The residual costs will be met by contribution from the microscopy, pharmaceutical, and diagnostics industries along with NHS (charitable), University of Liverpool Central and Departmental funds from Human Anatomy and Cell Biology (HACB) and Medical Microbiology and Genitourinary Medicine (MMGUM). This equipment will complement the existing new multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary grouping in functional genomics. This equipment will form the nucleus of a new imaging unit for the analysis of phenotype in manipulated complex tissues, sited in HACB but linked to the Centre for Cell Imaging in the School of Biological Sciences. It will also give added value to existing projects and lay the foundation for dissemination of novel technologies and strategies to other groups within and beyond the Faculty of Medicine. The studies currently funded by the applicants are highly pertinent to a number of BBSRC priorities including: 1) Biochemistry and Cell Biology - Integrated Cellular Systems in vitro - multicellular in vitro systems, the potential to extend the study of cell:cell interactions and relationships from in vivo into the lab; 2) Cross Panel Priorities- Development of alternative methods to reduce and replace animal experiments; 3) Animal Science Priorities - Control of Infectious Diseases; 4) Gene and Development Biology - Gene Action and Regulation.


Committee Closed Committee - Biochemistry & Cell Biology (BCB)
Research TopicsX – not assigned to a current Research Topic
Research PriorityX – Research Priority information not available
Research Initiative Research Equipment Initiative 2002 (REI) [2002]
Funding SchemeX – not Funded via a specific Funding Scheme
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