Award details

Salicylic acid and resistance to plant viruses

Principal Investigator / Supervisor Professor John Carr
Co-Investigators /
Institution University of Cambridge
DepartmentPlant Sciences
Funding typeResearch
Value (£) 167,836
TypeResearch Grant
Start date 07/08/1995
End date 07/03/1999
Duration45 months


Salicylic acid (SA) is a natural signal in plants that induces a general resistance to plant pathogens. Its effects on bacterial and fungal plant pathogens is fairly well understood. Its effects on viral infections are not. The aim of this grant is to determine which aspect(s) of the viral cycle are affected by SA.


Committee Closed Committee - Plant & Microbial Sciences (PMS)
Research TopicsX – not assigned to a current Research Topic
Research PriorityX – Research Priority information not available
Research Initiative X - not in an Initiative
Funding SchemeX – not Funded via a specific Funding Scheme
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