Award details

(A) Probing molecular function with synthetic peptides

Principal Investigator / Supervisor Professor Rudolf Allemann
Co-Investigators /
Professor Edwin Constable, Professor Kenneth Harris, Dr Oliver Smart, Dr John Snaith, Dr Maryjane Tremayne, Dr H Tye
Institution University of Birmingham
DepartmentSchool of Chemistry
Funding typeResearch
Value (£) 32,372
TypeResearch Grant
Start date 13/06/2001
End date 13/06/2002
Duration12 months


The projects described in this proposal seek to use synthetic peptides to study the fundamental processes underlying disease, gene transcription, enzyme catalysis, protein folding and structure. Birmingham is in an excellent position for conducting interdisciplinary research of this nature, with a superb infrastructure including high field NMR, mass spectrometry, X-ray instrumentation and a newly acquired CD spectrometer. Collaborative links are very strong under a broad umbrella of biomolecular sciences. All of the projects described require the routine availability of a wide variety of peptides, the majority incorporating highly unusual unnatural amino acids. The synthesis of such sequences will require the adaptation and optimisation of standard coupling protocols, with on-line monitoring of coupling efficiency to aid method development. Commercial synthesis of such peptides, particularly involving extensive method development, would be overly expensive. For the maintenance of our internationally competitive position within the areas described the purchase of a peptide synthesiser is essential.


Committee Closed Committee - Biomolecular Sciences (BMS)
Research TopicsX – not assigned to a current Research Topic
Research PriorityX – Research Priority information not available
Research Initiative Joint Equipment Initiative 2000 (JE5) [2000]
Funding SchemeX – not Funded via a specific Funding Scheme
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