Award details

Functional analysis of the adipocyte secreted proteome

Principal Investigator / Supervisor Professor Gwyn William Gould
Co-Investigators /
Professor Andrew Pitt
Institution University of Glasgow
DepartmentSchool of Life Sciences
Funding typeResearch
Value (£) 225,589
TypeResearch Grant
Start date 01/06/2004
End date 31/07/2007
Duration38 months


Adipocytes play a major role in energy metabolism by both paracrine and endocrine mechanisms. In recent years it has been recognised that adipocytes secrete a range of hormones (adipokines) that regulate energy metabolism and insulin sensitivity, e.g. leptin, resistin and adiponectin. These hormones are subject to a major research effort aimed at understanding their role in the development of obesity and insulin resistance. We hypothesise that further examples of important hormones secreted from adipocytes remain to be identified. This proposal seeks to fully catalogue the secreted proteome of adipocytes, and to study the biological role of novel proteins. We will apply proteomics to further our understanding of the mechanism of secretion. Finally, we will develop systems to study the proteome of human adipocytes from different fat depots. Collectively this data will offer new insight into adipocyte physiology, adipokine biology and have potential relevance to the aetiology of multiple human diseases.


Committee Closed Committee - Biochemistry & Cell Biology (BCB)
Research TopicsX – not assigned to a current Research Topic
Research PriorityX – Research Priority information not available
Research Initiative Proteomics and Cell Function (PCF) [2003-2004]
Funding SchemeX – not Funded via a specific Funding Scheme
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