Award details

Enhancing crop nutrient uptake capacity

Principal Investigator / Supervisor Professor John Doonan
Co-Investigators /
Institution John Innes Centre
DepartmentJohn Innes Centre Department
Funding typeResearch
Value (£) 43,350
TypeInstitute Project
Start date 01/02/2009
End date 31/01/2011
Duration24 months


Root hairs are essential for the uptake of vital nutrients and water from the soil by crops. Cultivars with longer root hairs take up more nutrients and give higher yields than those with shorter root hairs. RSL4 is a transcription factor that allows us for the first time to modulate root hair length in plants. We can use this gene to make plants with increased nutrient and water uptake capacity. However, we need to confirm to potential licensees that RSL4-induced root hair development (RSL4-technology) will enhance plant performance, and preferably in more than just one species. To this end we will develop a range of crops with longer root hairs using RSL4-technology and quantify the growth/yield enhancement that can be achieved with this technology. By the end of the proposed research we expect to have 1) demonstrated that RSL4-technology enhances crop growth and yields and 2) generated seed stocks that we can provide directly to potential licensees for their own evaluation.


Committee Closed Committee - Agri-food (AF)
Research TopicsCrop Science, Plant Science
Research PriorityX – Research Priority information not available
Research Initiative X - not in an Initiative
Funding SchemeX – not Funded via a specific Funding Scheme
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