Award details

Transatlantic initiative for nanotechnology and the environment (TINE)

Principal Investigator / Supervisor Professor Stephen Paul McGrath
Co-Investigators /
Institution Rothamsted Research
DepartmentRothamsted Research Department
Funding typeResearch
Value (£) 38,816
TypeInstitute Project
Start date 01/08/2010
End date 31/07/2014
Duration48 months


We have developed a life cycle conceptual model that suggests the importance of terrestrial ecosystems as a major repository of zinc oxide, titanium oxide, and silver manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs) introduced via the land application of MNM-containing sewage sludges. We propose to investigate the transport, fate, behaviour, bioavailability, and effects of MNMs into agroecosystems under environmentally realistic scenarios The overall objectives are to: 1. Compare the transport, fate, behaviour, bioavailability, and effects of MNMs, a- MNMs, and/or dissolved free metals/bulk oxides to organisms with key terrestrial ecosystem functions, as well as exposure pathways involving humans; 2. Determine MNM, surface modified MNM and a-MNM interactions with important biological targets and relate these interactions to physicochemical properties; 3. Validate models with information generated from experiments designed to address Objective 1 for MNMs introduced through a pilot scale Waste Water Treatment Process (WWTP) to key terrestrial ecoreceptors, including effects of MNMs on the WWTP itself; 4. Determine realistic MNM emission scenarios for Tier 1 MNMs in wastewater from the WWT pilot plant data and develop first generation Life-Cycle-Analysis-inspired Risk Assessment (LCA-RA) model components for terrestrial effects of Tier 1 MNMs and a-MNMS based on data generated in experiments designed to address Objectives 1-3; and 5. Provide tools for in situ detection, monitoring, and characterization of pristine MNMs and a-MNMs in environmental media and biota.


Committee Not funded via Committee
Research TopicsMicrobiology, Plant Science, Soil Science
Research PriorityX – Research Priority information not available
Research Initiative X - not in an Initiative
Funding SchemeX – not Funded via a specific Funding Scheme
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