Award details

Supergen Biomass Biofuels and energy crops II core project

Principal Investigator / Supervisor Professor Angela Karp
Co-Investigators /
Dr Ian Shield
Institution Rothamsted Research
DepartmentRothamsted Research Department
Funding typeResearch
Value (£) 91,936
TypeInstitute Project
Start date 01/06/2007
End date 30/11/2011
Duration54 months


Theme 1: Resources (Theme Leader: Rothamsted Research) This Theme underpins decision making in primary production of energy crop resources with knowledge of production related factors that affect crop quality and suitability for different end uses. Objectives: 1) To identify factors causing variation in crop quality 2) To generate markers to facilitate rapid selection of superior genotypes for energy conversion 3) To determine the potential to alter crop quality by biotechnology. 4) To quantify the affect of agronomy on yield and quality in SRC willow. 5) To investigate the potential of year round energy crop supply. 6) To consider the role of imported biomass and how it should be incorporated into the UK energy supply. Theme 2: Characterisation and pretreatment (Theme Leader: Leeds) Objectives: 1) To characterise a diverse range of energy crops, residues, wastes and derived fuels in order to assess their potential for energy, fuels and chemicals. 2) To develop novel analytical methods for characterising and studying biomass, its chemical and genetic makeup and its derived products and chemicals, as well as probing and understanding its thermochemical conversion. 3) To examine fuel enhancement and added value through fuel handling and preparation. 4) Together with results from Themes 1, 3 and 4, to deliver assessment criteria for the production and selection, and where appropriate, pre-processing of biomass resources. Themes 3-5: Thermo-chemical conversion processes (low level of RRes input) Theme 6: System analysis (Theme Leader: Manchester) This theme aims to facilitate an informed answer to the question: 'What is the best use of our limited biomass resource?' Theme 7: Dissemination and collaboration (Theme Leader: Aston) The objective of this theme is to provide and disseminate information on the activities of the Consortium and bioenergy news generally to support the bioenergy research community and industry.


Committee Not funded via Committee
Research TopicsBioenergy, Crop Science, Industrial Biotechnology, Plant Science
Research PriorityX – Research Priority information not available
Research Initiative X - not in an Initiative
Funding SchemeX – not Funded via a specific Funding Scheme
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