Award details

Dissecting the function of the LH2 pucBA multigene family in Rhodospeudomonas palustris.

Principal Investigator / Supervisor Professor Richard Cogdell
Co-Investigators /
Institution University of Glasgow
DepartmentCollege of Medical, Veterinary, Life Sci
Funding typeResearch
Value (£) 352,655
TypeResearch Grant
Start date 01/01/2013
End date 31/12/2015
Duration36 months


Many species of purple photosynthetic bacterial have a multigene family that encode the LH2 apaoproteins. Rhodopsuedomonas palstris is such a species and is able to synthesise LH2 complexes where individual LH2 rings have a heterogeous apoprotein composition. The different rings hsave different near infared absotption spectra. This research project sets out a program of experiments designed to determine how the different arrangement of the differebnt apoproteins in the individual LH2 rings controls where the ring absorbs light energy. A set of deletion strains, where specific LH2 apoprotein genes have been deleted, will allow LH2 complexes with defined ,restricted apoprotein compositions to be synthesised. The structure and spectroscopic properties of these LH2 complexes will be correlated with their specific apoprotein composition. By a combination of these studies and mathematical modelling it will be possible to fully describe how their precise structure controls where they absorb in the near infared region of the spectrum. Finally energy transfer measurements on membranes prepared from the diferent deletion strains will be used to determine how the different spectroscopic forms effect overall light harvesting performance, and thereby to understand the selective advantage to ability to synthesise the different types of LH2 confers.


Purple photosynthetic bacteria, such as Rhodopsuedomonas palustris, have proved to be excellent model organisms for use in trying to understand the detailed molecular mechanisms involved in the early reactions of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis begins with the absorption of solar energy by pigment-protein complexes called light harvesting complexes. Rps. palustris contains a multigene faimly that encodes light harvesting complexes that have different absorption spectra. These different complexes allow the bacterium to grow over a wide range of incident light intensities and are therefore important for allowing them to be competitive in the wild. This project aims to understand how the different members of this multigene family produce light harvesting complexes wth different absorption spectra and how this enables them to harvest light energy efficiently at different incident light intensities. This information is not only fundamental in trying to understand a basic piece of biology but also for research into bioenergy. One way to use solar energy more efficiently is to devise ways of carrying out artificial photosynthesis. Producing such systems requires the design of the initial solar energy collectors ie. the light harvesting complexes. The results of this project will reveal how to control where light harvesting pigments absorb and so aid the design of such artificial solar energy collectors.

Impact Summary

The main beneficiaries of this proposed research project will be the academic community interested in a basic understanding of the importance of light harvesting in photosynthesis. This understanding is important for anybody who wishes to try to produce systems capable of performing artificial photosynthesis at higher efficiencies than can currently be achieved by the natural process. Ultimately this information could be of importance to any companies wishing to manufacture systems capable of producing solar fuels. These impacts will be realised by us disseminating all the results of this project in open access publications, conference proceedings and direct interactions with industry through Glasgow University's annual industry days. The concept of solar fuels and the land area this will require involves imoportant communication with the general public and policy makers. RJC has strong interactions with local school teachers and to the media via the BBC. He will use these contacts to publicise these issues and to promote as much public debate upon them as possible. The Post. Doc. on this grant, Dr. Sarah Henry , will be fully involved in these interations with both industry and the general public. As a result of this and the general training in a wide range of different experimental methods she will be a excellent researcher to move over to work in industry at the end of this grant.
Committee Research Committee D (Molecules, cells and industrial biotechnology)
Research TopicsBioenergy, Industrial Biotechnology, Microbiology, Structural Biology
Research PriorityX – Research Priority information not available
Research Initiative X - not in an Initiative
Funding SchemeX – not Funded via a specific Funding Scheme
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