Award details

Ratting on rats - who what where and when?

Principal Investigator / Supervisor Professor Robert Beynon
Co-Investigators /
Professor Jane Hurst
Institution University of Liverpool
DepartmentVeterinary Preclinical Science
Funding typeResearch
Value (£) 57,477
TypeResearch Grant
Start date 01/06/2004
End date 31/05/2005
Duration12 months


Our recent BBSRC funded research on mice has revealed the importance of involatile proteins termed major urinary proteins (uMUPs) that have evolved to be released in the urine as mediators of chemical signals. These proteins bind and release pheromones while the unique pattern of uMUPs expressed by each individual, coded by a multi-gene family, acts as a molecular 'bar-code' that defines the identity of the scent owner. The interplay between low molecular weight odorants such as pheromones and binding proteins defines the age of scent deposits through the gradual loss of ligands. We have proposed that urinary proteins can be used as a sensitive, persistent and cheat-proof measure of the location and extent of rodent infestations, and have patented this idea (UK Patent No. 9917796.6). Through our work with MerseyBIO and their market enquiries, we have established that a market for a simple detection device based on detection of urinary proteins would be of limited scope, probably restricted to environments that need to be demonstrably rodent-free at the highest level. However, these enquiries established that there is considerable potential for a test that could define the age of a scent mark and that public awareness and action is much more strongly driven by rats compared to mice. Further extension of our basic research to the development of the presence and age tests to rats would be a major advance. This would markedly improve the chances of securing either a license arrangement with a major pest control company or would consolidate our technical position and assist the raising of venture or 'business angel' finance to support a spin-out company to take the technology forward. We therefore wish to conduct a short, focused research project that will address strategies for determination of age of urine marks, and to extend the studies to rat urinary proteins. With the basic scientific information that we shall derive, we expect to be in a much stronger position toattract funding to develop these ideas.


Committee Closed Committee - Animal Sciences (AS)
Research TopicsX – not assigned to a current Research Topic
Research PriorityX – Research Priority information not available
Research Initiative Follow-On Fund (FOF) [2004-2015]
Funding SchemeX – not Funded via a specific Funding Scheme
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